Special Occasions

Best Father’s Day Gift Ideas

When is Father’s Day?

Father’s day is celebrated on 19th June 2022.

Simple and Easy Father’s Day Ideas

With Father’s Day coming soon, now is the perfect time to look for a gift. Many people put this off until the very last minute, as finding a present for dad can be a bit tricky, especially if he’s very particular about what he likes. But when it comes to gifting, there’s actually one tip that always works: when in doubt, give a personalized gift.

Giving a thoughtful and unique present shows how much you care, and it doesn’t have to be expensive and complicated to make it special.

If you’re a busy bee and don’t have much time to do a personalized gift, here are some Father’s Day gifts for simple & easy presents you can give your father without breaking the bank or working yourself into the ground in the process of making it.


Personalized Father's Day Gift Ideas

Every parent thinks their children grow up in the blink of an eye. One moment they’re babies, and the next they graduate from college, ready to start a new job (and a new life!). And between those times, sometimes moments slip by. Parents often look back and wonder how on earth time flies so fast.

Granted, they’re usually very eager to capture the moments, but usually, they’re too busy to organize them. Photos are often left untouched and forgotten after some time. So for Father’s Day, why not remind your father of the precious moments you’ve had all these years together, with a hardcover photobook? Make unique gift items which will make his memories remember a lot.

Photobook has always been one of the most classic and timeless gifts, and there’s a reason for that. It preserves memories and reminds you of the good times you’ve had as a family.

You can go through the family photos from last year (or even the last few years) and sort them to make a photobook for your dad. Make sure as he flicks through it, the photos will transport him back to the old days. By giving him this, you help him organize the old photos, and he’s got a treasured photobook to keep.

A little tip for making a photobook: choose a clean layout, and arrange your selected photos in a way that it tells a story. If you’re busy, there are plenty of services that can help you create and design your photo book with a minimum hassle.

With Photojaanic, you can simply upload the photos and arrange them in your preferred layout, and your photo book will be ready to be printed and get delivered as a gift for father’s day.

Canvas prints

Father's Day Canvas print gift

Whereas with photobook you can collect the moments and flick through it anytime you want, there should be your favorite moment with dad that you want to hang on the wall, proudly displayed to your loved ones.

Whether it’s a fun selfie, a styled family photograph, or a candid photo from your daily routine, it’s the story behind it that’s most important. Choose an image that tells your favorite story, and make it into a canvas print. The best story needs to be seen (and heard)!

Collage poster

Sometimes, it needs more than one photo to preserve such special memories, and this is when collage posters shine brightly. Instead of picking just one, you can choose several photos to remind your dad of his best times with the family.

To make it more fun and interesting, why not make the collage based on a theme? For example, you can pick a holiday and make a sequence with your favorite photos to tell a little story with the collage poster. Or if you want to go further down the memory lane, you can collect the photos from various holidays or events through the years.

Want to poke fun at your dad? Present him with a collage of funny photos of him with the family, or the photos of your favorite candid little moments. This should bring a smile to his face whenever he sees it.

Desk calendar

Personalized Desk Calendars on Father's Day

Personal and practical gifts are always appreciated, especially if it’s something useful like a desk calendar. Considering now is already the middle of the year, you can be ahead and give him a desk calendar for next year. Remind your father of the little moments you have with him by giving him a calendar full of family photos.

If you want something more artsy and creative, you can put the images of your artwork and craft (even better if it’s specially dedicated to your father), or your hand-lettering creation of quotes about fathers.

If you want to mix photos of your father and your artwork for the calendar, go ahead! There’s enough space to do both. This will make your father’s day ideas even better.


Personalized Notebooks for Fathers

Laptops slowly replace (real) notebooks these days, but typing doesn’t quite have the same feel as actually writing things down. Some people prefer to stick to traditional notebooks to jot down their to-do lists or scribble some notes. If your father is one of these people, then a personalized notebook will be a perfect gift for him.

Design the cover of the notebook using your favorite picture of your father with the family. Or if you’re feeling artsy, you can always come up with creative drawing, painting, or some graphic designs. This will bring the father’s day gifts for his office work.

The notebook will be a lovely reminder for your father that he is special, and as a bonus, he’ll get a unique notebook. You can also stick a post-it note every few pages, with either lovely or funny messages for him to find. Surprises within a surprise!

P.S.: If you have some money left, consider ordering cool design business cards as well.

Father’s Day is just around the corner!

The idea to celebrate fathers came from Sonora Smart Dodd, whose mother died when giving birth to her younger brother. She helped her father raising her little brothers, and came up with the idea that fathers should also be celebrated.

Many years later, Father’s Day was made into a national holiday in the US by President Nixon.

The date of Father’s Day varies in each country, but the US and many other countries celebrated it on the 19th of June.

Want to know some fun facts about Father’s Day? Check this infographic below.

About Father's Day Facts

We hope you can give your father a special day this year! Haven’t you found the gift for him? Don’t worry, these ideas of the personalized gift will help you find one of the best gift for father on father’s day.

We at Photojaanic would love to help you get special gifts for your loved ones.

Happy hunting, and happy Father’s Day!

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